Mission Statement: The purpose of the Salem Elementary PTA is to create an environment that supports learning, diversity, community and family. Our goal is to provide the support needed to create a positive, well-rounded educational institution as well as a caring and loving environment for growth. The PTA is open to all families, teachers, administrators and support staff.
We Pledge to...
Support the teachers, staff and administration in every way, not just monetarily.
Be a place where parents can make sure their voices are heard by administrators and staff.
Raise money for short term and long term school needs.
Partner to create a long term, strategic plan for the school.
Create an environment where all parents are welcome to participate.
Reach out to the community and identify ways in which we can get them more involved in the school through donations, sponsorships, volunteering.
Create consistent and reliable communication between the PTA and its members
What We Do...
The PTA supports special initiatives as well as many annual activities and events in order to strengthen our school. In recent years, the PTA has invested in several special projects including contributing $15,000 towards school re-painting, made major additions to BOTH playgrounds ($50,000), purchased technology devices for each classroom, and have provided over $10,000 towards improvements, books and supplies for the Media Center, Reading Room, and the front office. Additionally, below are some examples of other events and efforts that the PTA provides for the SES community each year.:
Teacher breakfasts, luncheons and dinners
Teacher appreciation gifts
Classroom fund for each staff member
Cultural Arts Programs
School Musical
Field Day
Kindergarten Playdate
Book Vending Machine
Our Leadership:
President - Erin Schultz, salemptapres@gmail.com
Vice-President - Douglass Payne, salemelemvp@gmail.com
Vice-President of Finance - Kimberly MacDonald, salemptafinance@gmail.com
Secretary - Katee Sissler - salemptasecretary@gmail.com
Treasurer - Marcie Longo - salemptatreasurer@gmail.com